Current Issue
October 2024
BACnet Int'l #26
Developments in Security and Interoperability
BACnet: The Standard Integration Platform for Intelligent Buildings
BACnet: The Journey from a ‘Fool’s Errand’ to Global Ascendency
The Cornerstone of Sustainable Buildings
Enhancing Healthcare Environments with BACnet Connected Devices
Strengthening Cybersecurity and Interoperability in Building Automation Systems with BACnet/SC
Open JournalJournals
The Journal is a trade magazine for the building automation industry. Experts, practitioners, and professionals show the way through articles and case studies – from building automation trends to devices and application projects; from qualification and training to testing and certification; from who is who in the BACnet community to useful information on events and publications.
Its focus is not just updates, developments, stories, and news on the BACnet protocol, but also the wider building automation industry as a whole.
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