BACnet Protocol Expands Dominant Market Share in Latest Market Research Report

BACnet International is pleased to release the latest BACnet Market Adoption Report, drawn from the BSRIA’s Market Penetration of Communications Protocols 2018 – 2027 market research study. BSRIA is a premier provider of market intelligence in HVAC and Building Automation and Control (BACS). This study is a follow up to BSRIA’s 2018 study of titled “Market Penetration of Communications Protocols”. The BSRIA study draws on data from annual BACS market studies conducted by BSRIA since 2012 coupled with additional primary research. The most current BSRIA study was published in the first quarter of 2023.

Access the BACnet Market Adoption Report:

Members of the BACnet community are invited to download an overview of the market research study from The BACnet Institute (TBI), our online educational environment.

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The latest study concludes that since 2018, the BACnet protocol continues to remain the most widely specified protocol at a global level with 77% of projects specifying BACnet, up from 64% in 2018. The five-outlook projects continued market growth with a focus on cybersecurity and BACnet Secure Connect (BACnet/SC). By 2027, the BACnet protocol is predicted to have a 97% market share in North America, 86% in Latin America, 69% in the Middle East, 65% in Europe, 63% in Asia Pacific.

BACnet Share Trend by Region, 2022 – 2027F

Source: BSRIA, Inc.

This latest market research data reflects BACnet’s central role in the industry as the integration platform for building automation that simultaneously achieves cost, performance, and climate impact objectives,” said Andy McMillan, president of BACnet International. He continued, “The demands of that role drive continued BACnet evolution to address emerging performance and cybersecurity needs while maintaining multivendor interoperability.”

The BACnet Market Adoption Report was developed and initially released exclusively to Corporate Members to provide current and projected market share data in specific regions on the BACnet protocol and proprietary protocols. The report is now available to the public.

In addition to testing and certification through BACnet Testing Laboratories and education through The BACnet Institute, BACnet International remains committed to facilitating the successful future use of the BACnet protocol worldwide through BACnet/SC and cybersecurity implementation programs like the Cybersecurity Acceleration Program.
