BACnet International launched BRITE (BACnet Remote Interoperability Test Environment) at the beginning of 2021. It provides a confidential, supplier-independent environment for remote interoperability testing of BACnet devices. The focus of BRITE is BACnet Secure Connect (BACnet/SC) product interoperability testing, and it utilizes BACnet/SC to achieve secure connections over the Internet. BRITE is built around a collection of cloud based BACnet/SC hubs along with interoperability support and diagnostic tools. Test sessions typically involve two suppliers and are arranged through the BACnet Testing Laboratories. Each session is private, only allowing access to the specific suppliers participating in that test session.
Please note the BRITE program does not replace the PlugFest Interoperability Event which provides invaluable in-person testing, face-to-face conversations, and educational and networking opportunities.
Accelerating the availability and adoption of interoperable BACnet/SC products is an important objective for the whole BACnet community.