BRITE Test Environment

BACnet International launched BRITE (BACnet Remote Interoperability Test Environment) at the beginning of 2021. It pro­vides a confidential, supplier-independent envi­ronment for remote interoperability testing of BACnet devices. The focus of BRITE is BACnet Secure Connect (BACnet/SC) product interop­erability testing, and it utilizes BACnet/SC to achieve secure connections over the Internet. BRITE is built around a collection of cloud based BACnet/SC hubs along with interoperability sup­port and diagnostic tools. Test sessions typ­ically involve two suppliers and are arranged through the BACnet Testing Laboratories. Each session is private, only allow­ing access to the specific suppliers participating in that test session.

Please note the BRITE program does not replace the PlugFest Interoperability Event which provides invaluable in-person testing, face-to-face conversations, and educational and networking opportunities.

Accelerating the availability and adoption of interoperable BACnet/SC products is an important objective for the whole BACnet community.

FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions about BRITE
