
BACnet International offers technical services for its corporate members and other BACnet vendors to accelerate the availability and adoption of interoperable BACnet products:

BACnet Testing Services

Every BACnet product must be tested and verified to participate in the global BACnet certification process. BACnet International operates one of the accredited testing labs and offers the required testing services. Explore Testing Services

BRITE – BACnet Remote Interoperability Test Environment

BRITE is a cloud-based test environment that enables BACnet product manufacturers to easily test the interoperability of their products with products from other manufacturers in different locations. Explore BRITE

BACnet Secure Connect (BACnet S/C): Reference Implementation

BACnet S/C is a secure, encrypted datalink layer in the BACnet specification. The BACnet S/C reference implementation includes a sophisticated Test Bench that enables rapid creation of multiple nodes and hubs to simulate complex network environments. Explore BACnet S/C Reference Implementation
