Third Party Manufacturer Opportunity Awareness

BTL Mark for BACnet OEM Products

As a Manufacturer of a BTL Listed or Certificated Product, you understand the importance of the BTL Mark in providing assurance to customers and end-users. Did you know that customers who brand your product/s as their own can also use the BTL Mark? BACnet International Membership is not required for them, although it does offer substantial discounts and more informative Product Listings (ability to post a Product Image and Product Description). 

All they have to do to use the BTL Mark is apply for BTL Certification. To apply, have them go to the link below and complete the online BTL Certification Application:

They will be asked to provide the following in the application:

  • A copy of your Final Test Report (PDF and Excel File, if applicable) for the product they buy from you
  • A copy of the PICS – Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement for the product they buy from you
  • Product Image – For Member Companies ONLY
  • Product Description – For Member Companies ONLY

The completed application form will be automatically sent to BTL for processing upon submission.

In addition to the BTL Certification Application, they will need to supply two other documents, which will be forwarded to them once BTL processes the application:

     1) BTL Distributor Listing and Certification Agreement, if not already on file

     2) BTL OEM Product Attestation Form

Note that on the BTL OEM Product Attestation Form, signatures by both the company submitting the request for BTL Certification and the company referenced in the Final Test Report are required

All of the required documentation is available upon request. If you would like to review the documents ahead of time, or have any other questions about this opportunity, send an email to Please use ‘Third Party Manufacturer’ in the subject line.
