DALI Alliance joins BACnet International, KNX Association, OCF, Thread Group and the Zigbee Alliance in IP-BLiS to improve BIoT integration across smart commercial buildings

The group advocates the use of Internet Protocol as the secure backbone for lighting and building-automation services

The DALI Alliance has joined IP-BLiS, the “IP Building & Lighting Standards” market interest group to support convergence towards using Internet Protocol (IP) transport and security mechanisms to simplify deploying, provisioning, and securing complex building systems.

IP-BLiS was launched in June 2020 by BACnet International, KNX Association, OCF, Thread Group and the Zigbee Alliance. Together, these standards organizations support the widespread adoption of a secure, multi-standard, IP-based infrastructure as the backbone in commercial buildings for lighting and building-automation solutions.

The use of IP as the common networking protocol allows IT systems and building services, including lighting control, to operate on a secure, all IP-based configuration. As a result, building operators can expect end-to-end addressing and security; easy connectivity between previously-isolated applications; limitless scalability; better, faster and lower cost integration; and great flexibility and choice of both physical transports and applications.

“On behalf of all the leading lighting companies that comprise our membership, we are excited to join IP-BLiS and help to address the complexity and connectivity roadblocks in smart buildings,” said Paul Drosihn, General Manager of the DALI Alliance. “Internally, our team is making strong progress towards our first DALI over IP specification, which will enable DALI networks with wireless connectivity, as well as IP addressing and security.”

“DALI, as the leading digital lighting-control protocol, joining IP-BLiS is highlighting once again the importance of making commercial buildings more responsive to the needs of users by promoting a secure, multi-standard, IP-based harmonized IoT solution, which is fully in-line with the vision of IP-BLiS. With DALI as a new member, we see IP-BLiS confirmed in its previous activities and success in the IP-BLiS roadmap for the future,” said Casto Cañavate, Chair of IP-BLiS.

While IP-BLiS speaks with a unified voice to promote IP-based networking with common transport and security requirements, the organization will not create its own standards. Each participant is responsible for specifying its own technology. This allows companies to decide which solution or solutions works best for their business and use cases.

Similarly, IP-BLiS seeks to align security requirements for the industry, rather than reinventing them. Security issues are discussed in an IP-BLiS blog entitled “Common Myths About IP Networking for IoT.”

About IP-BLiS

IP-Building and Lighting Standards (IP-BLiS) is a multi-party liaison between existing standardization organizations—BACnet International, DALI Alliance, KNX Association, Open Connectivity Foundation (OCF), Thread Group and Zigbee Alliance—who are working together to promote the move to a secure IP infrastructure. IP-BLiS is an initiative that envisions to make commercial buildings more responsive to the needs of users by promoting a secure, multi-standard, IP-based harmonized IoT solution. The IP-BLiS liaison parties, through collaboration and cooperation, will educate and influence the market regarding application framework standards over IP for commercial building connectivity through marketing and communications. More information: www.IP-BLiS.org

About the DALI Alliance

The DALI Alliance (also known as the Digital Illumination Interface Alliance or DiiA) is an open, global consortium of lighting companies that drives the growth of lighting-control solutions based on internationally-standardized Digital Addressable Lighting Interface (DALI) technology. The organization operates the DALI-2 and D4i certification programs to boost levels of cross-vendor interoperability. As lighting continues to evolve and converge with the IoT, the DALI Alliance is also driving the standardization of wireless and IP-based connectivity solutions. More information: www.dali-alliance.org

About BACnet International

BACnet International is an industry association that facilitates the successful use of the BACnet protocol in building automation and control systems through interoperability testing, educational programs and promotional activities. BACnet International oversees operation of the BACnet Testing Labs (BTL) and maintains a global listing of tested products. The BACnet standard was developed by the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) and has been made publicly available so that manufacturers can create interoperable systems of products. BACnet International complements the work of the ASHRAE standards committee and BACnet-related interest groups around the world. BACnet International members include building owners, consulting engineers and facility managers, as well as companies involved in the design, manufacturing, installation, commissioning and maintenance of control equipment that uses BACnet for communication. 
