Association Recognizes Leaders and Contributors in the BACnet International Community
Atlanta, GA – February 1, 2024 – During the 2024 AHR Expo in Chicago, BACnet International honored several distinguished members for their commendable service to the BACnet International association as well as improvements to the BACnet protocol. The awards ceremony took place on January 21st, 2024 and was presided by BACnet International President and Managing Director Andy McMillan.
“BACnet International is proud to recognize the talents and achievements of its leaders and volunteers,” states President McMillan. “We are fortunate to have an exceptional community of professionals committed the growth and overall success of the BACnet protocol.”
The awards presented during BACnet International’s annual leadership reception and dinner include the BACnet Testing Laboratories Working Group Rising Star, BACnet Testing Laboratories Working Group Volunteer of the Year, BACnet Testing Laboratories Working Group Hall of Fame, BACnet International Project of the Year, BACnet International Rising Star, BACnet International Volunteer of the Year, and BACnet International Hall of Fame.
BACnet Testing Laboratories Working Group Rising Star: Deb Barrett
The BACnet Testing Laboratories Working Group Rising Star award is presented to someone fairly new to the industry and has already contributed to the betterment of the BACnet Testing Laboratories Working Group Committee and showed a commitment to the BACnet community.
This year’s award was presented to Deb Barrett, Senior Test Engineer for Current Lighting. Barrett is responsible for testing systems to ensure products meet functional and technical requirements from stakeholders. Her primary experience is working with and testing networked lighting control products. As part of her role as a test engineer, she has become a contributing member of the BACnet Testing Laboratories Working Group Committee. The award was accepted by Scott Ziegenfus, Vice-President, Hubbell Lighting.

BACnet Testing Laboratories Working Group Volunteer of the Year: Chris Howard
The BACnet Testing Laboratories Working Group Volunteer of the Year award is presented to an individual who has given of their time and extra time to serve as a volunteer on the BACnet Testing Laboratories Working Group Committee and has contributed to moving the committee forward.
This year’s award was presented to Chris Howard, Senior Test Campaign Leader for Schneider Electric. In addition to his work as a Senior Test Expert and Principal Tester for Schneider Electric’s building management products, Howard also acts as a technical advisor for other development teams throughout Schneider Electric that do not have a dedicated team for BACnet. Chris provides the much-needed technical expertise across all phases of a product, including implementation guidance, achieving and maintain the BTL Certification, and assisting in the identification and resolution of field issues.

BACnet Testing Laboratories Working Group Hall of Fame: Lori Tribble
The BACnet Testing Laboratories Working Group Hall of Fame award is given to a prolific, long-time contributor to the BTL WG Committee.
This year’s award was presented to Lori Tribble, Senior Software Engineer for Automated Logic. Tribble is a senior software engineer at Automated Logic, specializing in communication protocols. She has been an active member of the BTL Working Group since 1999. During that time, she has served as the BTL Manager, the BACnet Testing Laboratories Working Group Chair and member at large, during which she has authored multiple documents for the group. She has also attended many Plugfest workshops where she presented educational sessions on BACnet and various BACnet Testing Laboratories topics. The award accepted by Chariti Young.

BACnet International Project of the Year: Belimo for “Riding the Time of Climate Change” article submitted by Kathleen Magee
The BACnet International Project of the Year award represents the recognition by the BACnet community of excellence in the design and execution of the BACnet protocol. This year’s award was presented to Belimo. The award was accepted by Salvatore Cataldi, Tom Daenzer, and Dennis Johannesen.

BACnet International Rising Star: Scott Bissett
The BACnet International Rising Star award is presented to someone fairly new to the industry or the BACnet protocol and has already contributed to the betterment of the BACnet International association and showed a commitment to the BACnet community.
This year’s award was presented to Scott Bissett, Vice President of Sales and Marketing for Armstrong Monitoring. Even though Bissett is fairly new to the BACnet International community, he has already contributed to the betterment of the BACnet International association and showed a commitment to the BACnet community. He has not only been critical to their company’s development of BACnet products, but also to the Marketing Committee in providing insight and fresh ideas as we approach the 30th anniversary of the BACnet Protocol in 2025. The award accepted by Joanne Johnson, President and Rod Sprules, Co-CEO of Armstrong Monitoring.

BACnet International Volunteer of the Year: Michael R. Wilson
The BACnet International Volunteer of the Year award is presented to an individual who has given of their time and extra time to serve as a volunteer on the BTL WG Committee and has contributed to moving the committee forward.
This year’s award was presented to Michael R. Wilson, Director of Marketing at Nlyte Software. Wilson has volunteered with BACnet International in multiple capacities including Steering Committee, Board Member, Board Special Task Forces, Member of the Marketing Committee as well as its Chair, created the member recruiting playbook, contributed articles, presented in education sessions, and spent hundreds of hours staffing our trade show booths. Wilson is the only volunteer who has been honored with this award twice.

BACnet International Hall of Fame: Dave Robin
The BACnet International Hall of Fame award is given to a prolific, long-time contributor to the BACnet community. The criteria for induction into the BACnet Hall of Fame includes having at least a decade of meaningful contributions to the community, played a unique and valuable role in the ongoing development of the standard or the community, championed open dialog and a collaborative approach to resolving issues, and demonstrated a global perspective with respect for regional and cultural differences.
This year’s award was presented to Dave Robin, Founder of BSC Softworks. Prior founding his consulting practice in 2019, Robin spent 37 years at Automated Logic in a variety of engineering roles including hardware, firmware, and software design. As a manager, Dave lead the WebCTRL team from concept through its first ten years of commercial success. He is a past chair of the BACnet Committee and remains the leader of its Network Security Working Group. He now consults and offers programming and design services for BACnet, communications, and security.