Corporate Membership

Make BACnet International a Cornerstone of Your Success

Corporate membership in BACnet International provides unique and valuable benefits to manufacturers and service providers in the controls, building automation and energy management industries. Its information services make it easy to keep up with the growth and evolution in the industry and with BACnet technology. BACnet International membership enhances a supplier’s credibility with potential customers and partners while providing a variety of opportunities for exposure and promotion. Corporate membership also gives manufacturers access to deep discounts on product testing, BTL Certification and a variety of third party development tools.

Corporate Membership Tiers

Platinum, Gold, Silver: Open to all manufacturers and OEMs of BACnet software, hardware or related services

Corporate Affiliate: Open to manufacturers and OEMs that support the BACnet global community through substantive membership in BACnet Interest Groups that are headquartered outside of the United States and for whom Silver, Gold and Platinum are not appropriate.

Corporate Member Benefit Summary

Specific benefits vary by corporate membership tier. This summary describes benefits generally available to corporate members.

Discounts on Tools, Testing and Certification

  • 50% discount on hourly BTL testing rate for Platinum, Gold and Silver members when using the BTL Lab
  • Options for expedited testing when using the BTL Lab
  • Included and/or discounted annual BTL Certified Product Listings
  • Discounts on event registration for your whole team, including for the annual BTL PlugFest interoperability event
  • License to use BACnet International developed test-related tools
  • Discount of 10% on the BACnet Test Framework (BTF) tool from MBS
  • Discount of 35% on the BOTS BACnet Regression Test tool from PolarSoft
  • Discount of 50% on the BACnet Test Client software from BACnet Interoperability Testing Services, Inc. (BITS)

Marketing & Promotion Opportunities

  • Display of company logo on the BACnet International website and in newsletters
  • License to use the BACnet International “Member of” logo on corporate website and marketing material
  • Opportunity to author and present BACnet content through print, electronic, in person and social media
  • Discounts on advertising in the BACnet International Journal
  • Trade show representation, participation and conference presentation opportunities

Information Services

  • Corporate Update newsletter keeps your team up to date on important developments related to the BACnet standard, including proposed changes, new releases and corrections. It also alerts your team to the availability of marketing and promotion opportunities.
  • Cornerstones monthly newsletter provides your team with timely information on new BACnet case studies, the latest products from member companies, educational resources, and highlights of global events.
  • BACnet International Journal provides more in-depth articles on BACnet technical issues, application examples and industry insights. The Journal provides your team with additional marketing and promotional opportunities through authorship and advertising.

BACnet Community Engagement

  • Help the industry continue to move toward interoperable products based on BACnet, the global standard for building automation.
  • Network with manufacturers, suppliers, users, consultants, and students by participating in annual events and trade shows. 
  • Support the work of BACnet International in maintaining the global BTL Product Certification Program through the BACnet Testing Laboratories (BTL) and education services of The BACnet Institute.
  • Enjoy the “halo effect” gained from industry recognition and credibility gained from being a BACnet International corporate member.
  • Get recognized by authoring articles, and volunteering for committees or Board of Directors service. Awards are given for outstanding service and content.

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