Case Studies

Fergus Falls Public School District

Fergus Falls, MN, United States
Fergus Falls Public School District

This project was a retrofit of 3 school buildings within the District, during which the facilities were occupied, requiring minimization of down time of mechanical equipment.

The EC-NetAX Web-based building management platform was used for integrated control and monitoring of HVAC and lighting systems and for fuel oil tank monitoring.
Controls retrofit included HVAC and outdoor lighting using BACnet ECB Series controllers, Allure communicating thermostats and EC-Light lighting control panels
The schools now have a building automation system accessible via the Web, providing a complete user interface for the control and monitoring of their BMS, including all graphics, schedules, alarms, trends and logs, and other reports.

This enables them to monitor their entire building’s comfort levels and the operation of the equipment, and make changes as needed from any location rather than manually adjusting each unit.

Number of Buildings3
Total Area370,000
Special Features

In addition, they are able to perform detailed tracking and trending reports to be eligible to apply for energy rebates.

Products/Equipment Installed

ECB Series Controllers
EC-Light Lighting Control Panels.

Systems IntegratedHVAC, Power Monitoring
Number of Devices425
System Points4,000
System IntegratorClimate Control Inc.
Controls ContractorClimate Control Inc.
Controls ContractorDistech Controls Inc.