Announcing the Alpha Release of BACCARI

A certificate authority reference implementation tool for Cybersecurity Acceleration Program Participants

Atlanta, GA – February 6th, 2024 – BACnet International is proud to announce the alpha release of BACCARI – The BACnet Certificate Authority Reference Implementation Tool, now available to all registered participants of the Cybersecurity Acceleration Program. This project is an example implementation of a Certificate Authority for BACnet.  It builds and processes files using the CARI file format, as proposed in 135-2020 Addendum cs, out for public review. The zip file format conveys BACnet/SC CSRs to a certificate authority and returns the signed operating certificates. This tool will become the industry’s standard for certificate authority implementation.

Currently, this project is at the ALPHA stage. The user-interface is not in the final style, but is functional. The beta version will be scheduled for later in the year.

There are several ways to use this for testing its features and workflows.  As of today, it has a single mode of operation where all features are available, limited only by the user’s login as “Administrator” or “User”.  Future builds will have a standalone offline “Builder” mode that is just used to build CSR zip files and concepts like “Download” from a list, will be changed to “Save” a single file.

The tool is capable of operating in several different scenarios listed below from simplest to most advanced.

  • Scenario 1: User is both Installer *and* Administrator
  • Scenario 2: Installer builds CARI file to submit by email
  • Scenario 3: Administrator receives a CARI file by email
  • Scenario 4: Administrator sets up web server for manual approval
  • Scenario 5: Administrator sets up web server for auto-approval
  • Scenario 6: Installer’s proprietary tool creates the CARI file itself

About the Cybersecurity Acceleration Program:

Designed for manufacturers, BACnet International’s Cybersecurity Acceleration Program aims to reduce their cybersecurity implementation learning curve and align their product development with industry direction on interoperability and best practices. The program includes reference implementation and source code components including: a Certificate Authority (CA) server, a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) generation and validation tool, and a machine readable, interoperable certificate file format. Additional program features include Cybersecurity implementation webinars, early tool release with full source code license, an expert moderated developer’s forum, and the manufacturer’s cybersecurity guidelines document development. For more information, visit: or contact David Nardone, Membership and Education Manager, at

About BACnet International:

BACnet International is an industry association that facilitates the successful use of the BACnet protocol in building automation and control systems through interoperability testing, educational programs and promotional activities. BACnet International oversees operation of the BACnet Testing Laboratories (BTL) and maintains a global listing of tested products database. The BACnet standard was developed by the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) and has been made publicly available so that manufacturers can create interoperable systems of products. BACnet International complements the work of the ASHRAE standards committee and BACnet-related interest groups around the world. BACnet International members include building owners, consulting engineers and facility managers, as well as companies involved in the design, manufacture, installation, commissioning and maintenance of control equipment that use BACnet for communication. 
